viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

Practicando las pasivas con "los bachilleratos"

Hola chic@s, aquí os dejo una compilación de frases que podéis hacer durante estos días como práctica extra. Podéis pasarme las soluciones a mi email personal o incluso dejarlo en la zona de comentarios.

* Recordad la estructuración que hicimos en clase de este tipo de frases, y ponedle todo el sentido común que podáis en la construcción de las oraciones en inglés. Ya veréis que no es tan difícil como aparenta ser.

-Statements- (Frases normales)

1. Sarah took a beautiful picture of the cathedral.

2. Sheyla has a great job at an office.

3. The secretary did not bring the money.

4. John is setting a new record every Sunday.

5. My grandfather was cleaning the farm.

6. I will take a taxi after the concert.

7. We are going to read his new novel.

8. Susan has lost her keys.

9. He had begun his studies in Oxford.

10. The cat has bitten our cousin.

-Gossiping- (Chismorreo)

11. They say that the military refuse to shoot people.

12. They say that President supporters shoot people in the demonstrations.

13. They say that 100 people are injured.

14. They say that the President has resigned.

-Causatives- (Causativas)

15. The mechanic changed the oil in Adam's car.

16. The hairdresser cut Sarah's hair in a completely different style.

17. A decorator has redecorated our house.

18. A friend of mine, who´s an architect, is going to build a pair of columns in front of the house.

19. My jacket is being dyed at a specialist cleaner´s.

20. The town hall has just been painted for the council.

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