Tal y como ya se ha comentado en clase, debéis realizar composiciones de la siguiente lista. Podéis ir haciéndolas en orden o de manera "salteada". La extensión debe rondar las 100-110 palabras.
Se deben presentar un mínimo de una o dos composiciones cada semana.
Recordad la estructura a seguir y dedicadle no más de media hora a cada una para que el resultado sea realista.
- Do you think young people eat too much junk food nowadays? Explain.
- Travelling is always a wonderful experience. Discuss.
- Write a review or a summary of a book or film which you have enjoyed.
- Would you like to take part in the Erasmus Programme in the future? Give reasons.
- Describe your experience at high school.
- Would you like to be famous? Give reasons.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile devices at school.
- Do you like mystery stories? Discuss (explain why, or summarise one of these stories).
- What is your favourite celebration of the year? Why?
- What do you think are the most important things in life? Why?
- Write about something funny that happened to you or someone you know.
- Do you think some sports are better than others? Why?
- Computers, mobile phones, game consoles..., what is your favourite technological device? Why?
- Describe your ideal husband, wife, or partner.
- What kind of prize would you like to win? Explain.
- How could you contribute to a time bank or any other volunteering project?
- Which invention or inventions have changed the world the most and why?
- Where would you like to travel? Give reasons.
- Discuss the importance and problems of animals in modern urban societies.
- What experiences would you like to live before you are old, and why?
- Advantages and disadvantages of eating fast food. Discuss.
- Do you like reading or watching movies? What kind of stories do you prefer?
- Do animals contribute to make our lives easier or better? Explain.
- Some British and American traditions have become popular in Spain nowadays. Discuss.
- Would you live in a foreign country? Explain why.
- Do you think learning other languages is important nowadays? Why?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to university?
- Could you live for four weeks without television, the Internet, video games or your mobile?
- Describe one of the school trips you have been on. What interesting things did you see or do?
- What’s the biggest lie or fantasy you have ever been told?
- Do you think school life is stressful? Explain.
- Tell a story, tale or legend that you know. Give it a title.
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